Saturday, June 26, 2010

Latest Family Pics

Oh how she loves Blake's groovy serenading.

A little hike off the road to our lunch area by the "water falls."

Those are Cody's adorable little feet hangin out there.

Heh heh - her's all of our creepy eyes.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jared's Fam in utah

While Steph was spending time with her family, we took the girls and met up with Emily, Kelly and Anothony at Vivian park.

Little Chad (Kelly and Anthony's baby (Emily's sister and brother in law)) - the happiest little baby on the planet.

It was quite windy that day and a tad chilly. So Evelyn sported my ginormous jacket. Nice.

Ann is truly a master at kite-wielding.

Look at these photography skills - Beth took most if not all of these pictures.
How adorable.

Heh heh. Beth and I love this picture. Kind of creepy. The scary mustache man has gotten a hold of your child.

A local fisher lent Ann his pole. There she goes!